How to treat sex addition
Is sex addiction an illness or an excuse for immoral behavior? There is often no clear answer to this question when people start discussing the problem. However, there are people that need professional assistance because they are not able to cope with their sexual urges themselves.
Sex addiction: what is it?
It is usually described and abnormal sexual behavior that is revealed through obsession with sex. Patients who suffer from the condition fantasize, masturbate and have multiple sexual partners. They resort to pornography, prostitution and other activities with bigger risk of STDs and unplanned pregnancies.
Thoughts about sex do not let them live normally and are in the way of the usual routine. They have problems with partners because of it. As a rule, they are ashamed of what they do and want to have better control over the situation.
How to treat sex addiction
Sex addiction that is also named hypersexuality can be treated with psychotherapy, family counseling, educational special programs. In the most severe cases the medicines are prescribed.
The doctor should study the case thoroughly first. Sex addiction can be accompanied with other conditions such as anxiety, depression, drug abuse and etc. The sex addiction can also be a symptom of some psychic disease such as bipolar disorder and dementia.
Individual approach
Individual approach is necessary to solve the problems of this kind. There can be some underlying problems that alter the behavior of the person. Traumas of the past can tell upon the person. Such patients may be the victims of abuse in childhood. Such problems as identity matter, low self esteem can be in a way of strong relationship in the family. Complex approach to treatment will be the best solution to get rid of the problem.
Treatment in groups
People discuss the problem of sex addition together. It can be easier to cope with condition when you know about the difficulties other people with similar problems face. They learn to control their actions in groups.
Work with couples
Sex addition can be the cause of breakup in a couple. Lack of trust and betrayal are involved here. The task of the specialist is to organize work with couples and help them to deal with a situation.
How to avoid relapse
The end of treatment does not automatically means end of the problem. Sex addiction can bother you even after the treatment is over. Your task is to prevent relapses. You will probably need to change the lifestyle. Put away all porn and think about non-sexual things at such moments.
Method of 12 steps
Alcoholics Anonymous devised the program of 12 steps for people who suffer from alcohol addiction. Many other programs adapted this method later. It includes 12 steps that bring patients to complete recovery.
Sex addiction can be treated medically. It is worth saying that this treatment was not approved officially. Drug manufacturers have not tested these drugs for sex addiction in particular. They can't affirm the efficacy of medications for treatment of this condition. But studies took place and physicians do not have doubts concerning the appointment of medical therapy for patients with this problem.
Sex addiction treatment: how it happens
The programs for sex addicted patients are conducted in different places. It can be a treatment center where the person stays for several weeks (the program can last from 1 to 6 weeks). During the program the sexual activity is forbidden as a rule. Therapy can be conducted in a group or individually. Treatment includes lectures for education of patients, art therapy and other exercises that help to cope with condition. Sex addicted persons can be treated together with alcohol addicted and share the same facility.
Outpatient treatment has its specifics and different therapy is employed there. Patients do not have to stay at the facility.
There are local support groups and programs with 12-step method for people with sex addiction. People gather in the churches, community centers. There the patients discuss all problems that they face on the way to recovery. They share ways to cope with challenges. The programs are generally free and are supported by donations.
Those who suffer from this problem often feel ashamed to apply to specialist. Consult a doctor first who can recommend the proper facility or a program for you.